The hidden symbols in Star Trek

I am admirer of the series since its launch in 1966 in the United States and exhibited in Brazil since 1968. I was anxiously waiting for the weekly adventures presented by the new episodes and we were invited "To explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before".
With a narrative set by science fiction always bringing questions of human existence, with its conflicts, clashes of customs, races and civilizations, the themes led us to philosophical reflections putting us before an unknown universe, without knowing our origin and the motivations of the life.
The search for this origin can be found by going "where man has never been" by exploring new worlds. That is: the knowledge of universals (macro) leads to the understanding of individual elements (micro), which is an approach by logic.
For three years the series was a sensation until the third season in 1969 (in Brazil in the early 70's). Then came 6 feature films (up to 1991), new series from 1987 to 2001 (The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, Enterprise) plus 4 feature films with other actors and as of 2009 plus 3 films, with new cast.
It is 50 years of success! And what is the secret of this success?
Let's see. The movie is full of symbolism.
Initially, we see the emblem stamped on the uniforms in triangular format with the vertex pointed upwards.

The triangle, in sacred iconography, represents divinity. It's the pyramid. The power that initiates all things: There are three powers that create the manifest universe. Let us look at the ancient traditions: Osiris, Horus and Isis (Egyptian); Omniscience, Omnipotence and Omnipresence (Judaism); Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Christian); Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Hindu) and even Force, Energy and Matter to the Alchemists, or Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, for the Enlightenment and Freemasons.
Thus, as representatives of the manifestation of the good, the beautiful and the true, the crew seems to be in service to lead to a state of pacification and global reconciliation, representing the United Federation of Planets, with the Universalist ideal, having in this adventure (enterprise) the confrontation with Empires who exercise dominion by oppression and evil.
We clearly see the eternal battle between light and darkness that are always present in the epic sagas where the hero seeks to kill the evil dragon. The Klingons, Romulans and Cardassians, are draconians or Reptoids and symbolize of the oppressive empires.
We also have the enterprise spacecraft, whose design represents the Uranus Planet that incorporates the unusual, the innovation, the technology. Uranus represents the need for liberation from any kind of conditioning.

Uranus also governs intellect and reason, indicating the brotherhood among men, in the search for a just and perfect society. Uranus governs the Aquarius sign and represents the ideals of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, which form the triad that sustains the formation of the modern and free world, with the three autonomous, interdependent powers of government (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary).
So we have the crew led by an ideal and there is not a simple script action adventure. The plot follows a line of moral and ethical conduct and never has a final outcome, because the universe always has new possibilities, leading to the infinity of the soul's journey.
The true man is also triune in his constitution, being equally represented in different religious traditions in a similar way.
While individuality does not manifest in the world of phenomena (or pure spirit), it is formed by Will, Wisdom and Intelligence. In the Hindu tradition it is called the Atma (Spirit), Bhuddi (Enlightenment) and Manas (Mind), in the Mysteries in Alexandria is Spiritual Will, Spiritual Wisdom and Spiritual Intelligence, in the Kabbalist: Kether (Crown), Chokmah (Wisdom) and Bina (understanding) Or Egyptian: Neter, Ba (Luminous essence) and Khou (Intelligent Substance). Thus, this group consisting of will, wisdom (or Love and Intuition) and intelligence, makes the spiritual man, with the potential virtues.
These three attributes are also represented by the triad with vertex facing upwards.

However, when man is entangled in matter, that is, incarnated in a physical body, he (with the three divine principles), is eclipsed (erased, oblivious of his divine essence), according to Plato in "The Republic" that the "Body is the tomb of the spirit ".
In this condition these three higher principles when embodied in matter, reflect the counterparts associated with three vehicles of expression in the world of manifestations, that is, physical body (instrument of material action of doing), emotional body (set of emotions governing desire and repulsion) and Cognitive Body (instrument of the cognitive mind capable of discriminating, separating, elaborating, mechanizing, ordering things concretely).
These are universal archetypes, for in reality we are beings endowed with the three attributes, arranged in complementary axes. The higher virtue guides the lower nature and keeps it with identification experiences in the awakening of divine attributes.

We are Will-Action. We are the mind Cognition-Intelligence / Abstraction. We are also the Emotion-Wisdom / Love and Intuition.
The ability to act depends on the will. Action without will is an empty construction. Will without action is a reverie, utopia, chimera, as James says: "Faith without works is dead" (2:14-26).
The mind is dual, and we can only develop true intelligence with the exercise of cognitive knowledge and, paradoxically, conclude that it is only an instrument, having no end in itself. Thus, the questioning mind must be at the service of the Superior (considered abstract), which incorporates ethical values of true understanding in which there is no form, time, space, path still to be traced to illumination.
Emotion and wisdom (love and intuition) are similar in nature, because feeling through emotions can lead us to perceive ourselves and become wise. Wisdom is not intellective, but it is born of the light of intuition, which connects us with the spiritual essence. Emotion devoid of wisdom leads to sentimentality.
In 1 Corinthians 13: 1-2 Paul shows these truths when he says "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a ringing gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing".

The three protagonists of the film, in fact, are only one, because they incorporate archetypes that are contained in each one of us.

Captain Kirk, representing Will and Action, commands the ship, in order to define directions and decide on situations to be followed, all leading to a sure outcome, but with audacity, determination and courage.
Mr. Spock, all mental, conciliating analysis and synthesis, able to give a meaning with real contours of rationality, equating situations that seemingly despise the emotions, but which in the end make sense, because the universe is constituted by logic, as Plato said that "God geometrize". Pythagoras also said "numbers rule the Universe".
Finally, Dr. McCoy is apparently only emotion, but it is precisely him who intuits unusual solutions to solve situations when no other has produced results, demonstrating that true wisdom is illuminate.
The symbol, by definition, expresses an idea, even if it is abstract, with the power to touch us, to bring forth feelings, to speak the truth to our consciousness, to make us assimilate sublime values and not always capable of being explained by conventional language of men.
Undoubtedly, the film incorporates a wealth of symbols (many still to be explored), which justifies the success of half a century of existence.
We are always captured by the message of the unconscious and, in this case, fortunately, constructively.
Peace on your journey!